In order for a real estate portfolio to perform optimally, it is necessary that an active purchase and sale policy is pursued. Based on changing objectives, financial criteria, etc., Quares will decide which assets / real estate objects will be added to the portfolio or which will be disposed of.
Acquisition and disposition policy:
The acquisition and disposals policy is conducted on the basis of the criteria advanced by the fund management. These criteria relate to the return, risk profile, sector, volume and country or region in which investments can be made.
When assets / properties no longer fall within the return risk profile at a given moment, they must be sold. Subsequently, the money that has become available must be reinvested in other assets / real estate objects that do fall within the preconditions of fund management.
Portfolio Optimization:
The acquisition and disposition policy is just about the most important part of the portfolio optimization, but must also actively take into account the performance of the available assets / real estate objects. By performance we mean, for example, the direct return that is obtained, for example, from rental or lease income and the indirect return from, for example, value accrual.
Portfolio optimization will decide on the basis of active monitoring of the portfolio and benchmark data which assets / real estate objects will be kept or disposed of.
Own Quares funds:
Quares is an active fund builder and is responsible for the acquisition and disposition policy for its own funds. Quares can of course also provide these services to external funds. In addition to strategic management via fund management and acquisition and disposition management, our experts can also provide tactical management via asset management and even operational management of the assets / real estate objects via our property management.
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