The way buildings are managed has undergone a genuine revolution over the past decade. Today, the focus is increasingly on sustainable maintenance management in the broad sense of the word. The word ‘sustainable’ often conjures up images of being environmentally friendly, whereas in fact it covers a wider spectrum of issues. Certainly the priority lies with making carefully considered investments that are part of a long-term vision. And that’s another facet of sustainability: taking decisions that don’t provide an immediate result, but which generate significant cost-savings and quality improvements in the long term. Met het woord duurzaam komt vaak milieuvriendelijkheid in beeld, echter duurzaamheid dekt een ruimere piste. Doordacht investeren met een lange termijn vizier heeft hierbij zeker de prioriteit. Want ook dat is duurzaamheid: beslissingen nemen die niet meteen resultaat opleveren maar op de lange termijn solide kostenbesparingen en kwaliteitsverbeteringen met zich meebrengen.

Calendar icon27 February 2014

Sustainable maintenance management: what is it?

First and foremost, sustainable maintenance management is about looking further than the end of your nose. Getting off the beaten track and daring to invest in quality measures only may only have an effect further down the track. Choosing the obvious solution may well solve an ad hoc maintenance problem, but there could be additional costs in the longer term.

How does sustainable maintenance management help you save costs?

If you think in the long term, you tend to have an aim in mind and are able to generate lasting results: cutting down on energy consumption, reducing the number of maintenance callouts, etc. This automatically lowers costs and improves productivity. Economies of scale play a major role in this, too. Not only can you make savings by sharing costs and without compromising the comfort of your employees, but these economies of scale often also lead to better working conditions.

When does the need for sustainable maintenance management arise?

On the one hand, sustainable maintenance management is a logical process within facility management itself. Thinking ahead and tackling things preventatively is the most efficient way of providing optimum support for your core business. At the same time, sustainable maintenance management is increasingly becoming a conscious choice that is reflected in taking environmentally friendly measures. Climate warming is a concern of our age and one that companies can no longer ignore.

Should sustainable maintenance management be outsourced or not?

Your organisation needs to have highly experienced and specialised facility coordinators so that every facilities-related problem can be resolved in-house. By outsourcing your sustainable maintenance management needs, you can bring in the required expertise without having to invest heavily to obtain it. Whereas outsourcing maintenance management used to be viewed as an additional cost, most organisations now see it as a cost-saving.

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